Caller info attributes in F# with currying


How to use CallerMemberName, CallerFilePath and CallerLineNumber in F# together with currying.


Let’s start with a solution. Instead of a module with functions we declare a class with static methods:

type Mod() =
    static member noArg
        ( [<CallerLineNumber; Optional; DefaultParameterValue(0)>] line : int
        ) : string =
        sprintf "Line %d" line

    static member oneArg
        ( x : string,
          [<CallerLineNumber; Optional; DefaultParameterValue(0)>] line : int
        ) : string =
        sprintf "Line %d; input %s" line x

    static member twoArgs
        ( x : string,
          [<CallerLineNumber; Optional; DefaultParameterValue(0)>] line : int
        ) : string -> string = fun y ->
        sprintf "Line %d; inputs %s, %s" line x y

    static member threeArgs
        ( x : string,
          [<CallerLineNumber; Optional; DefaultParameterValue(0)>] line : int
        ) : string -> string -> string = fun y z ->
        sprintf "Line %d, inputs %s, %s, %s" line x y z

Hopefully it’s obvious how to create functions which take more arguments. We can test that it works as expected:

let _ = printfn "%s" (Mod.noArg ())
let _ = printfn "%s" (Mod.oneArg "hi")
let _ = printfn "%s" (Mod.twoArgs "hello" "world")
let _ = printfn "%s" (Mod.threeArgs "hello" "world" "!")
let _ = "works" |> Mod.twoArgs "piping" |> printfn "%s"
let _ = "bye" |> Mod.oneArg |> printfn "%s"

Note that the caller info attributes are recorded when a static method is converted to a function:

let f = Mod.noArg
let _ = f () |> printfn "%s" // Prints line number of the previous line
                             // even though `noArg` was not called there.

Also note that normal methods can be used instead of static methods. Readability can be improved by using F# optional parameters instead of C# optional parameters:

type AnotherMod() =
    static member twoArgs
        ( x : string,
          [<CallerLineNumber>] ?line : int
        ) : string -> string = fun y ->
        sprintf "Line %d, inputs %s, %s" line.Value x y

A small drawback is that the parameter line has the type int option instead of just int which makes this more readable alternative slightly less performant.


I would rather use functions instead of methods:

let wrong1
    ( x : int,
      [<CallerLineNumber>] line : int ) = x
let wrong2
    ( x : int,
      [<CallerLineNumber; Optional; DefaultParameterValue(0)>] line : int ) = x
let wrong3
    (x : int)
    ([<CallerLineNumber; Optional; DefaultParameterValue(0)>] line : int) = x

But these don’t work since the compiler is not willing to fill line parameter. The page Caller information from F# language reference says that the caller info attributes work with methods, and it doesn’t mention functions at all. So I assume it’s not possible to use functions.

Another thing is that we can’t use optional arguments with curried methods. For example DoesNotCompileMod class

type DoesNotCompileMod() =
    static member oneArg
        (x : string)
        ([<CallerLineNumber>] ?line : int) =
        sprintf "Line %d, inputs %s" line.Value x

really doesn’t compile:

[FS0440] Methods with curried arguments cannot declare ‘out’, ‘ParamArray’, ‘optional’, ‘ReflectedDefinition’, ‘byref’, ‘CallerLineNumber’, ‘CallerMemberName’, or ‘CallerFilePath’ arguments